Friday, June 15, 2007

El canon y los derechos de autor en la Via Lactea

Via el blog de Enrique Dans llego a este comentario. Me parece que esta deliciosamente escrito y con una ironía divertidisima.

Lo curioso es que no deja de preocuparme el hecho que algún dia podamos encontrarnos en España con una situación si no igual en los hechos (lo que espero sea imposible) si similar en sus conceptos. Me explico: si seguimos en una situación en la que se criminalice a los usuarios y las sociedades de gestion (SGAE, Promusicae y similares) sigan queriendo incrementar su poder e incluso suplantar al poder judicial, creo que no queda otra opcion que la de salir de España. No me gustaria vivir en un pais donde un señor controle lo que hago en Internet, lo que veo o pretenda restringir mis libertades en pro de su propio beneficio. Ojo, que digo en su propio beneficio y no en el beneficio de los artistas con toda la intención. ¿Porque? Porque son estas sociedades de gestion de derechos las que realmente se benefician y no los artistas a los que dicen representar.

Note: I'm writing this post in spanish because it's related to the spanish current situation of copyrights.


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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Entrepreneur new blog

Good morning everybody.

In a previous post I wrote that I have in mind a new (another one yes) entrepreneur project. And Yeah!, this one is "again" related to the web.

As I said I was looking (and expecting) some feedback from you on whether is appropiate to publish and receive comments on a new business idea or not.

Well, I've received none as I was expecting since I don't have many readers (as feedburner says).

That made me think that if I really want to receive help to develop my idea I may have to use alternatives. First one is that I'm going to write another blog (I'll let you know) but this time focused on the project itself.

The second thing is that I'm going to try to promote it as much as possible in order to receive as much ideas as possible. The point of this is to build a company that provides "the services" that its customer really want and nothing else.

Why? Simple. Efficiency. Why spending so much money building something that nobody needs or its not worth paying for?

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Monday, June 11, 2007

I finally did it

Hey guys, seems that finally I've got all those da** icons on my template. Congrats to myself!

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