Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama what?

Ok, we finally got to the end. Obama won. Congratulations!!! I've tried to follow the campaign as much as possible but living in Spain there are some things that I was missing. But thanks to Internet I've got see and follow most of it.

I don't want to say if I'm happy because Obama won or not. It's not the point for this post. That will come in another one.

If you click on the video I've just posted and that I've got to see it thanks to Enrique Dans, you will see Barack Obama view of technology and what he is going to do. Few comments:
  • He plans to increase public funding in research&development. YES, YES, YES. Public funding is always welcomed when related to research. Let's see what comes out!
  • Maintain R&D tax credit: YES, YES, YES. That will make companies to keep investing in R&D. Will help to innovate, find new products&technologies, new business models, markets, etc.
  • Anti-trust: YES, YES, YES. But let's see what happens with lobbying. This is always very welcomed.
  • Inmigration: If I want to go to the US to work, is it really going to be easy to get a visa or green card. Mr. President, if you ever get to read this, consider that from this post I'm applying to get visa or green card. Check my LinkedIn profile here.
  • Goverment data online: Qualifier not an order winner.
  • Foster citizen participation: This is the only thing that I don't believe....Are you kidding? Don't you have a Congress where the voice of each citizen is arised. Are you going to create a mailbox where all citizens can send an email....Don't believe in this at all. It makes me laugh!!!
  • Universal broadband access: Utopic!!!! Who is going to pay for it? How are they going to be maintained? The Goverment? Town halles?? How? Increasing taxes???? Check this post that I've wrote time ago for the Instituto de Empresa
  • Schools, colleges, hospitals: Qualifier and not an order winner.
I leave to the end a couple of things that really surprised me. Wether they are innovative or not, watching Obama saying that education is the key to surpass this credit crunch and global crisis makes me think that this guy really has a vision of what he wants and where to go. Let's see if he knows how to get there!

Obama said: Technology to solve problems!!! Simple, clear and one of the most important things I've hear in the near past!

Let's focus in technology, innovation, and research to find new ways to solve our problems and get to be the first power in the world.

A short message to Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero:

Mr. President: with all respect, you've got to options: do something to solve Spain's problems, which I doubt that you know what to do, or resign and leave us alone so we can solve our problems ourselves with another president....But DO SOMETHING!!!!

P.S: Can anyone translate this message to ZP????

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