Thursday, April 10, 2008


Via the Convergence Blog from the Instituto de Empresa I've found this video about Prometeus. This is video is kind of next-to-came future. Another phrofecy. Interesting but nothing fancy about it.

But what really surprised me is the introduction (it was the first time I heard about this concept) of a new kind of profile: the "prosumer".

And what the hell is a prosumer? It's quite simple. I am a prosumer right now. Wahat?!?!?! Yeah, I am consuming information and also I am producing information. Producer+Consumer= Prosumer.

As I was reading the Convergence Blog from my friends at the Instituto de Empresa I was consuming information and now I'm posting about it so I'm producing info. If you guys are about to read this and post something about PROSUMERS.

Anyway, the video comes with many interesting concepts also like connection is free and it is FON or even a prediction about virtual worlds.
What do you think? Are we going to have many identities in a near future? The real or the digital? Sounds a little bit like "The Matrix"...

Scary, huh?
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