Thursday, March 27, 2008

Testing Zemanta

Hi all

I've seen via Genbeta that a new web service is available to help bloggers to write their post.

The idea is that Zemanta will search the web looking for relevant information related to the things you're writing.

Right now, nothing has appeared on a right panel that appears on my Blogger interface. They say that recomendations will appear each 300 characters....and nothins has appeared yet. How many characters have already written down? Anybody interested in counting??? Guess not.

Sorry guys for this non-sense writing but I'm trying to fill this post as much as I can to see if this really works.

Should it be becauses I have my blogger interface in Spanish. I guess is worth to change to english to see if this sofware really works.

I'll let you know

1 comentarios:

Zemantic dreams said...

hi from Zemanta!

Seems you found a bug in our service, since there should be suggestions there.

Maybe it's the problem of spannish-english. Can you mail us with the browser version and list of extensions you are using so we can try to debug the problem?


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