Monday, May 28, 2007

Kill the messenger

"Oh my God, this hurts like hell
I had that dream again where
I was lost for good in outer space
Tell me, doctor, how to shake
A waking nightmare that is only
Worse when I am sleeping"

This is how Jack's Mannequin song "Kill the messenger" starts and the reason that made me write this post.

I swear to God that there are nightmares that hurt like hell...and one that comes recursively is about dreams that never came true...But what is worse is to have that same dream once you are older and trying to live it again. Damn! it's not even close to what it used to be. And that hurts!!

Haven't you seen one of those teen movies where the nice guy and the beautiful girl get romantically involved on their senior prom. Oh God! That was sweet! Well, I've never had a prom and I swear I wanted to live that experience. Not only the romantic part but also all the party and issues related. The point is that I dreamed to have a senior prom I never had one. I'm 34 and that's a dream that will never come true. And that hurts.

What about the girl you used to like while in high school? Where is she now? I she married? Is she dead?. It hurts a lot not know...

Why can't we live our live like in movies where all dreams come true?

Somebody wrote once:
"Today we build our dreams wishing they'll come true,
Tomorrow we kill our dreams wishing they'll had come true"

What he wanted to say is that you have to fight for your dreams but he was damn wrong. Kill your dreams or let the die because there are some that, no matter what you do or try, will never come true. Maybe it's not ment to be.

And I swear to God, that letting your dreams die hurts more than anything on earth!!!

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